Alcona Middle Schoolers have a science curriculum rich in place-based education.
They explore the resources around them, not only to enhance learning, but to develop a respect, care and stewardship for them.

6th graders focus on forest sciences and invasive species.
7th graders on water quality.
8th graders on wetlands.

This project highlights the water quality studies that 7th graders did at five different locations that impact Alcona County's watershed:
  • NOAA/Thunder Bay River
  • Pine Rivier (VanEtten Creek)
  • Lost Lake Woods Club (Badger Lake)
  • Hubbard Lake (south end boat launch)
  • Black River (a township park site).   Drip castles to explore environmental textures, engineering and just having creative fun.

They collected and tested biotic and abiotic water samples as well as picked up trash at the sites.
According to their data they removed more than 50 pounds of trash from the sites combined.  So they also discussed ways that humans contribute to marine debris and ways to lessen that impact.

They did formal reports to share their findings with the public.

There were other parts of these field visits that offered more learning and some enjoyment of these beautiful locations. For example, science on the sphere at Thunder Bay Marine Sanctuary, making drip castles on the shore of Negwegon State Park on Lake Huron and nature walks/journaling.

We did a couple of instagram posts after field visits, links to view below:
Instagram post #1
Instagram post #2

120 Students are involved in this project.