
Inland Lakes Schools is a collaboration among families, educators and community members who are dedicated to provide what each child needs in order to achieve his or her personal best.

About Us

Inland Lakes Schools is a small rural district located in the northernmost county of Michigan's lower peninsula. It has approximately 760 students in grades K-12. Although Inland Lakes is located between two larger communities, the economy of the area has greatly effected students enrollment trends in the last three years. Our district is located in an area dependent on tourism, with mostly lower paying jobs. Our socio-economic status or free and reduced lunch rate has been around 60-65% for several years. We serve a large population of at-risk youth. We are proud to share our academic success with all five core areas at the highest percent of success this year, higher than they have been in the last five years. We also have the highest percent of students prepared for college within our ESD (COPESD). The community, school personnel, and families are largely supportive of Inland Lakes, and they do many things to help keep the school a desirable school to attend. We are currently doing a great deal of strategic planning, in order to maintain our district in the fashion in which residents are accustomed.

Inland Lakes Secondary School
4363 S. Straits Hwy
Indian River, MI 49749
Location Map for Inland Lakes Secondary School


Inland Lakes - Sturgeon River Stream Monitoring
Students are conducting water analysis of the Sturgeon river, while learning about water Chemistry.
Inland Lakes- Energy and Habitat project
Students in 5th-7th grade will be looking at environmentally friendly energy and landscaping in Habitat for Humanity homes


Thursday, May 28, 2015